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  1. Marijuana Mix-Up

Use the word list at the bottom of the page to help you unscramble the answers to fill in the blanks.

Marijuana is one of the most widely used __________________ (gelllia) drugs in the United States. It comes from the hemp ___________________ (antlp).

Marijuana is most often ________________ (dokmes) in the form of acigarette known as a ______________ (tinoj). Marijuana is known by many other names including _________ (dewe) ________ (top), and _____________ (sargs).

Marijuana contains over 400 ____________________ (hecilsamc), many of which are more harmful to the _______________________ (gulns) than tobacco cigarettes.

Marijuana is stored in ___________________ (aft) tissue and can remain in the body for as long as a ____________________ (tonmh). It can build up in the_________ (narib) and cause a loss in _____________ (remomy) and the ability to _____________ (nikht) clearly. In spite of what some people say, marijuana is not______________ (decimine).

Word List:
















  1. P roject

On each line, write at least one effect that tobacco can have on the matching body part.

L esson 74.

  1. Speaking

Work in pairs. Answer the questions below:

How much do you know about HIV?

  1. HIV infection can be passed on by which of the following means:

  1. heterosexual sexual intercourse

  2. homosexual sexual intercourse

  3. kissing

  4. using infected injection equipment

  1. Mark the following true (T) or false (F):

  1. AIDS and HIV are the same thing.

  2. An HIV test will show immediately if someone is infected with HIV

  3. Current treatment can eliminate the HIV infection in some people.

Find out the correct answer from your teacher.

Note: Although you may still hear the term AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) it is no longer used widely by doctors. They prefer to talk of “late -stage” or “advanced HIV infection”. Before effective treatments, someone with HIV almost certainly developed AIDS. This is no longer the case.

  1. R eading

Answer these questions with a partner. Then read the information below to find the answers:

  1. Which area of the world is most affected by HIV?

  2. Is there a cure for HIV?

  3. Are more men or more women affected by HIV?

  4. Which age group is most affected by HIV?

  1. Hiv in the world

There were 33.4 million people infected with HIV around the world in 1999: 22.5 million in sub-Saharan Africa, 6.7 million in South and South-east Asia, 1.4 million in Latin America and 0.7 million in the USA. There are about 9,000 new infections each day – 90% of these in developing countries. More than 14 million people have already died of the disease, including 2,5 million in 1998.